Tuesday, May 31, 2011

beyblade metal fight

beyblade metal fight. World Beyblade Organization
  • World Beyblade Organization

  • joeshmo2010
    May 3, 02:49 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Love using tetherme cracked on iphone 4 to use personal hotspot with my unlimited data. :)

    beyblade metal fight. Takara-metal-fight-eyblade
  • Takara-metal-fight-eyblade

  • tvachon
    Jan 9, 01:38 PM
    I was hoping when I got back from the gym it will be done. But alas, no.

    beyblade metal fight. Beyblade Metal Fight Gravity
  • Beyblade Metal Fight Gravity

  • Andrew K.
    May 4, 08:14 AM
    I really like the tone of these commercials.

    Also, I enjoy that they keep saying magic or magical; only because I know how angry people (trolls, mostly) here get about it.

    I think Apple is trolling back lolz

    beyblade metal fight. BEYBLADE METAL FIGHT BB45

  • Stella
    Jul 21, 10:21 AM
    Are we still debating this?

    Maybe because its a "Discussion form"?


    beyblade metal fight. Metal Fight Beyblade BB-100
  • Metal Fight Beyblade BB-100

  • koruki
    Mar 17, 07:16 PM
    But your story doesn't surprise especially if you can come from the UK. iPhone did slip out of the TOP 5 in sales last year. I believe the HTC Desire was the most popular one. One of my favorite reviewers from the UK is James Whatley. He reminds me of Brandon Flowers from The Killers. He despises Apple with a passion. He works for Nokia now, so call him one of those diehard Nokians.

    Oh come on now, we were talking about affordable Smart phones vs a Premium Smart phone. Let's keep this topic to real smart phones please, we know Nokia isn't in this market lol.

    beyblade metal fight. Metal Fight Beyblade
  • Metal Fight Beyblade

  • MacinDoc
    Sep 12, 12:15 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)• Several sites continue to report (http://www.thinksecret.com/news/0609moviestudios.html) that only the Disney Studio is on-board for the initial launch of the iTunes Movie Store.
    If it's just Disney, then there's not much point. The reason iTMS succeeded from the start was that it was simple and it had the largest library from which you could purchase single songs. If the iTunes Movie store starts with just Disney movies, then it's dead in the water. Let's just hope that ThinkSecret is wrong again, as usual.


    beyblade metal fight. BEYBLADE METAL FIGHT BB37

  • emoeric
    Dec 13, 03:27 PM
    Right. One of the problems people have when they try to predict what Apple might do is they assume the past = the future. "Oh, Apple only does yearly updates, so this rumor is impossible." Well, Apple does what it does . . . until it doesn't. They don't do books, but now they do. They don't do movies, but now they do, etc.

    Apple is not a MacRumors poster stubbornly sticking to the only thing they know. Apple changes as market conditions change. If they think they can increase profitability and market share by making semi-yearly phone updates, they are going to switch to semi-yearly phone updates. Simple as that.

    So a Q1 2011 Verizon phone is quite possible.

    The thing I believe we can agree on as well is the fact that LTE is not coming to iphone until atleast 2012. It's way too early of a technology for them to adopt it. I'll agree with your points but counter your general hypothesis with one side note: no LTE until 2012.

    beyblade metal fight. TAKARA BEYBLADE METAL FIGHT

  • Bistroengine
    Apr 5, 05:06 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    first-chill!, second-chill a little more, third-am i not within my own rights to call something as i see it?or is that reserved solely for you?the choice of words i use are just that my choice so take your opinion about me elsewhere as after some thought iv decided I couldn't care any less what you say.

    Yes, you have the right to your own opinion and I am quite chilled, thank you. Also, I never directly made a comment about you or your character as I really don't know you at all and I can safely say I have no opinion of you one way or the other.


    beyblade metal fight. Tomy Metal Fight BeyBlade
  • Tomy Metal Fight BeyBlade

  • Amazing Iceman
    May 4, 08:51 AM
    Since I am the local technology guru, people are just shy of harassing given the constant barrage of questions just asking if I own one. They are amazed that I do not own an iPad or tablet since they are "popular".

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.

    beyblade metal fight. Metal Fight BeyBlade
  • Metal Fight BeyBlade

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 17, 02:44 PM
    People seem to be more interested in convenience than the highest possible quality.

    Yes, it's appalling.. ;)

    Oh, well, every time I hear someone say they can't see the difference between a standard DVD and an HD-DVD/BluRay disc when shown on a proper 1080p display, I cringe. Perhaps they need to just buy the 25" TV for $200 along with a $25 DVD player, take the money they save and get some laser eye surgery. :D

    Actually, with my new HD set up, most family and friends that see it in action are usually awed by it. I have several friends and neighbors that continuously invite themselves over for monday night football and other events. Most of them think it's pretty cool, but would never spend that kind of money on their home theatre setup (I don't think I spent that much, the TV accounted for over half of everything and it was $3600). A couple of them in the past few months though didn't balk at the price and they went and bought one too...

    But yeah, I'm an "-ophile" when it comes to audio and video. I don't really fit in with the rest of my family. I have an uncle that's only about 10 years older than me and I let him have a left-over 20" TV when I moved. I told him it's a nice set - only about 3 years old. His only concern was "is it color?".

    I know I'm the minority around here when I say this, but I don't own an iPod. :eek: Yeah, it's true... I personally don't care for the MP3 format and the lesser quality offerings of iTunes. If it isn't at least CD quality, uncompressed, I don't want it. And yes, I can hear the difference on my sound system which is a separate setup from my home theatre.

    My wife tells me that I'm insane... She's probably right, but what do I care. :D


    beyblade metal fight. Takara-tomy-metal-fight
  • Takara-tomy-metal-fight

  • charliex5
    Apr 16, 01:15 AM
    Bad. I could do a rendering in Sketchup that would look more realistic than that.


    beyblade metal fight. TOMY BEYBLADE METAL FIGHT

  • Al Coholic
    Mar 28, 02:46 PM
    The people have already voted...

    It's called the "Top Grossing" category.


    beyblade metal fight. Beyblade Metal Fight Gravity
  • Beyblade Metal Fight Gravity

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:36 PM
    Because the promotion of homosexuality is detrimental to a society and the people who promote it know this. For example, the mere announcement of a gay history curriculum causes conflicts such as the one in this thread and especially moreso in the real world. Instead of fighting about such stupid things as this, our school system should be heavily decentralized so that you can decide whether or not your child learns about homosexual history by simply selecting a non-political, non-psychologically damaging school in your area and everything would be fine and kept separate, but no, the people who run everything love to just mash everybody into one big public school system and slowly change the rules to cause people to fight all because of what is essentially 4% of the population.

    beyblade metal fight. Metal Fight Beyblade
  • Metal Fight Beyblade

  • SteveRichardson
    Aug 3, 07:44 PM
    just the fact that its name is the "Argo" tells you that its not posing a threat to iPods.

    I think it was changed to "Zune".



    beyblade metal fight. Takara-metal-fight-eyblade
  • Takara-metal-fight-eyblade

  • miles01110
    Apr 21, 10:59 AM
    What additional value does this provide?

    beyblade metal fight. TAKARA BEYBLADE METAL FIGHT

  • arn
    Oct 11, 01:03 PM
    I always took that as an implication that page 1 rumors were from more reliable sources, and should be considered more likely to be true. I didn't say that they were guaranteed to be true, just that they are more reliable.

    I agree but you said

    "Unless you (MacRumors, not the 'source' website of the rumor,) have credible, reliable, direct sources, it belongs on Page 2"

    and, again, that's not the criteria.

    Page 1 stories are generally more reliable than Page 2 stories... and that's true in this case but it's not a hard and fast rule. People get too hung up on Page 1 vs. Page 2. If a more unceratin rumor gets posted on Page 1, it is generally posted with caveats, as in this case.



    beyblade metal fight. Metal Fight Beyblade Images
  • Metal Fight Beyblade Images

  • jetjaguar
    Apr 9, 07:04 PM
    typophone 4 and typophone weather
    It works well with the current jb 4.3.1 since there is little black bar that shows up on lockscreen wallpapers that are not plain black.

    how do you change the weather location .. ive looked everywhere ..
    when i click on the actual weather on the lockscreen all i have is maryland and greece ?

    beyblade metal fight. TOMY Beyblade Metal Fight
  • TOMY Beyblade Metal Fight

  • organicpixels
    Apr 16, 01:33 AM
    I by chance flew from West Palm Beach to Dallas last Wednesday and what a surprise to see none other then Steve Wozniac on my plane. He had an iphone in his hand and the thing I noticed was that the shell was silver. not black or white. I doubt that he's still using a 1st gen model. So I'm guessing he may have one of these? I couldn't tell..

    beyblade metal fight. BEYBLADE METAL FIGHT BB-62

  • wildmac
    Oct 2, 03:46 PM
    You'd expect Jobs would have some sympathy for the guy, what with his phreaking days before Apple.

    No honor among theives... :cool:

    Oct 10, 07:11 PM
    Does that mean all the existing iPods that play video are somehow fake and/or unreal? ;)

    Aug 1, 02:03 PM
    Honestly Denmark, Norway and Sweden...

    If you don't like it, then get out... Leave it, don't touch it and shut up!

    No one is forcing you to buy it, so stop whining... You are not making any sense, you are just acting like desperate little people wanting to bash Apple cause that is the PC way to do things...

    Most PC users with an iPod in Scandinavia only rip music and that is all...

    So, let me explain it to you, since you don't seem to get it...

    IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT... Here it comes... DON'T BUY IT!!!!!!

    Stop acting so money hungry... Yeah, Norway wanting to give Apple a fine for their format... Wow... that's rich!

    So, if a tiny country (Norway) with a few people wanting money, all they have to do is make a new law that is formulated so that they can "according to their law" say that international companies are violating their laws... Inventive, but very greedy...

    There are other ways of getting noticed you know... Like doing something that actually benefits the world... (Max Von Sydow, doesn't count, he was Swedish)

    Oct 6, 06:23 PM
    ...where everyone lives, and I must be one of the few lucky ones, but I have minimal interruptions when it comes to calls, data, and other AT&T services. With honesty I can count on my fingers how many times I had my calls dropped... and out of the hundreds of calls I make a month the number over the course of a 6 month period is so minuscule that it is not even worth mentioning.

    I switched to an iphone (was already an AT&T customer) the day it first came out (yes I was the loser waiting in line on day one), and painfully paid the upgrade price for every subsequent upgrade to both 3G and 3GS (upgraded my personal phone to 3GS this week)

    I live in the Los Angeles area and have not had any problems with dropped calls... I do have data access issues when driving outside of Los Angeles, but I usually don't drive and read emails :p

    I will not make AT&T all good... upgrade pricing is horrible :mad:, their billing is horrible :mad:, the price for their services is high in comparison to other providers, their customer service is also a bit retarded (sorry) however coverage is something I have been lucky with ... :rolleyes:

    Apr 16, 11:17 PM
    I'm aware that these are fake, but I think this is what the next iPhones are going to look like - following the design of the iPad...
    Hopefully there will be a 128GB model, I'd definitely be getting one of them =D

    Apr 13, 08:49 AM
    I imagine they have to scan kids because desperate smugglers/addicts have hidden drugs on their children in the past.

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