Wednesday, June 15, 2011

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  • gc_rip
    09-09 12:36 PM
    I get this question every day, what are the hopes for EB3-I, or rather are there any hopes for EB3-I? Are we fighting a lost battle?

    What do people here really think?

    1. There are X % chance that there would be some immigration bill that would help us and we will have GC in next couple of years?

    2. Keep going on with life as is, till the time we can renew EAD every 2 years, and AP every year.

    3. Wait for another X years, and then go back.

    4. Hopefully my son/daughter will be 21 by 2020, and will sponsor my GC.
    --- Hoping family based GC would still be allowed by then

    5. Don't know, confused?

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  • nixstor
    07-03 12:26 PM
    I admit, it seems discriminatory to say you can't get your GC now because you're from this country or that country but these "high volume" countries have created the current back log through their sheer numbers and sometimes multiple applications, not the system. The system is fair to ALL and for some group to say that it isn't fair because all of that group isn't getting what they want is unjust to the rest of us. I knew I would be pounced upon when I submitted my original post and it only proves my point of personal agendas; sometimes I wonder what the "I" in "IV" really stands for? Don't be so arrogant as to believe that your higher education should give you more rights than others - that doesn't fly with me! I am frustrated with this forum because of this arrogance and I may not visit too much longer!

    I do have one question for all of you who are in favor of eliminating the per country limit; do you support an eventual road to citizenship for the large group of people who dominate the "other side" of immigration? If you don't, some may think you hipocritical to want the rules changed for yourselves!

    Sheer number of applications from the high volume countries has created the backlog?? Are you saying/wishing that these people should not have come in the first place to avoid the backlog?? My friend, backlogs did not happen completely because of the sheer number of applications and gaming. Backlogs happened primarily because of wasted visa numbers and issues surrounding it. If there was no visa number wastage the priority dates would have been around 2-3 years behind as opposed to 7 or 8 years. There are gamers in every system. If a system does not work for people as it is supposed to, gamers do so to get out of the system. Not that IV condones such things but it happens in any system, when the system is broken.

    The I in IV definitely does not stand for me only or for any one only. I along with V only makes sense. I by itself does not get IV any where.

    So removing the per country limit would remove the "bias" off these countries and move it to the ones with lower populations; so, in essence the discrimination would be reversed?

    On one hand you are saying that there is a bias towards lower population countries now and you are ok with it, just because you happen to benefit from it. Is that what you mean?

    If retrogressed countries are asking for 75% of the numbers reserved to them rather than having one line for all, You have a good point in saying that the bias is shifting towards retrogressed countries. There is no such provision like that. The provision creates one line depending on when you entered the line. You enter the line ahead, you get it first.

    So keeping the limits intact is NOT a bias to you? You can't have it both ways. What do you think is a solution? The point system you referred to came with the same 10% limit on the retrogressed countries. What difference does it make to a retrogressed person with 96 out of 100 points, but still needs to wait for 4 years, while some one from Krakozhia walks away in 6 months with 60 points. B T W , you also said that higher education deserves more does not fly with you. I am not sure how you want points to be assigned, other than education and experience. Don't let the fear and protectionist thought take over the logical and rational thought.

    The "other side" of immigration is an entirely different topic. Their issues and our issues, their path to the end line and ours are entirely different. We can't simply compare apples and oranges and call people hypocrites. That said, I personally support it and feel that it will happen at some point depending on the majority in both houses and one party will suffer for the decisions it made. As a by stander, I sympathize with the situation the "other side" has been in. I have a full plate to work on.

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  • smuggymba
    09-10 06:05 PM

    what happened to your earlier PD. I think it was in mid 2004 or so, correct?

    no sir, this is my first PERM ever. I used to work for a big 4 consulting firm and they only apply in Eb3 so moved to another American client company. Just filed 140 this week.

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  • ramus
    07-03 05:33 PM
    Very good plan...

    Also please dig this _Americans/who

    and also ask other members to contribute..

    My action plan:
    1. Contribute $100 to IV
    2. Send flowers to USCIS for July 10
    3. Write emails to local Congressmen and Senators


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  • veerug
    07-04 05:49 PM

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  • gcdreamer05
    03-19 07:29 AM
    This is the power of Immigration Voice. Not everyone has the knowledge of all these situations, so we need to gain knowledge from the past experience of others.

    I am sure thread's like this will help a lot of people who have plans to join few Full Time Employees who promise but cannot keep it up.

    Please continue to share...


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  • newuser
    04-20 03:25 PM
    I will be able call after 6:30 PM EST.

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  • GCKaMaara
    03-12 01:03 PM
    Excuse me who are you calling a disease?

    who has given you the right to name call, when I have not used any profanity words? Please choose your words carefully, as it does not reflect a good reputation on part of a person who is trying to make a point and bring awareness.

    Just because you have 1485 filed much before your PD and have the better half of the situation, does not allow you to be an advocator on behalf of IV.

    The question was means for IV and PAPPU, and to galvanize this organization to do something big, than take things for granted.

    Thank you

    This may be partially my fault. I took name. I wanted to say any donor, I tool ronhira as symbolic representative of donors as he was as part of debate.

    Sorry Ron.


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  • Canuck
    02-16 09:11 PM
    Pls dont forget! More than US needing U, U need US. They get immigrants via temporary visas all the time to fulfill their needs. So, they dont actually need U to be a permanent resident here. So, walk out if u dont like their policy (which u r wrongly calling Divide and Rule by the way) or abide by it and wait.

    Really? If all 500K of us waiting in line were to resign the same day and walk out of the country, the U.S. would be reeling from our loss.

    It's people like you that perpetuate this "Yes sahib" mentality. How did these Americans become successful? They walked into the North American continent, hacked down all the natives and acted as if they owned the place. While I would hope that we are beyond the barbarous hacking and killing phase, we too should walk into this land and act like we own it. Folks like you that bow their heads down to their American masters and accept every knock that falls upon it with a smile on their face are the exact kind of meek individuals that the Americans are looking for - one who will not question any law as unjust and jump to it.

    If the Africans had just continued to abide by slavery, they would never have gotten their freedom, just because, "it's the American policy."

    Learn to stand up for yourself and question authority or remain subjugated under tyranny for the rest of your life - the choice is yours, Mr. Venkatappa.

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  • perm2gc
    12-27 05:38 PM


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  • h1techSlave
    02-05 05:51 PM
    like minded folks, please post your ideas.

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  • pkak
    07-09 08:10 PM
    I feel that they did not violate any clause. Till June 30 which is end of third quarter, they are authorized to approve (3*27%*140K) 113,400. However they approved only 66,400 till May 31. That yields about 47,000 for June alone(10%+any number not used in previous months). The reamining visas are eligible for Jul 1, which is 13,000. Put together June and July1, it comes 60,000. Therefore they did not violate any law. This makes only 126,000. The remaining number was splitted for Consular processing.

    my 2 cents...

    They cannot issue more than 37.800 visas for april-may-june quarter (0.27*140,000).

    37800+13000 is less than 60,000.


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  • needGCcool
    03-12 09:42 AM
    Priyah Dosto,
    Visa Bulletin Gaand Mein Ley Lao Ab..... Kuch nahi hone waala.

    Look in the mirror and repeat what you wrote DICK HEAD!

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  • felix31
    03-19 11:02 PM
    At least you have the option of having consulting comp file your first H1.
    There are tons of folks in other non-IT industries that struggle to get an offer 10 months in advance... and get a place in the queue.

    the way its set now, only IT people benefit ..

    My friend got a teaching position and early contract, but when it came to the h1 visa, school county withdrew the offer. And this was for a shortage occupation too. They would rather go understaffed than file H1. And they did not find anyone else to fil the position.

    Nowadays, getting a job and H1 has nothing to do with skills, experience, education etc. It's pure luck of being at the right place in the right time.

    I am on H4 for the past 2years and this year I am trying to move to H1. The problem here is no big company responds to my resume.(Mine is not a cooked up resume. I have 6 years of experience and a lot of certifications). The only calls I get is from desi consulting firms. No US staffing firm nor BIG US firm sponsors H1s for first timers like me in US as we don't have US experience. They get their jobs done through consultants on Corp-Corp basis. Sometimes I am getting depressed seeing all this. May be I think I am forced now to go to a consulting firm to get my H1b because they are the only people who sponsor H1s in April to work in October which is 8 months from now. The system has to be revamped otherwise this system is going to exploit a lot of people like me. I cannot wait till we get a green card or work permit because it looks like it is a million years away from now. One thing I understood is that H4 dependents have no rights in this country and they talk about human rights violations elsewhere.


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  • sw33t
    05-27 07:56 PM
    There seems to be a lot of misconceptions on what to do when stopped by CBP (Customs & Border Protection), colloquially known as "Border Patrol".

    Border Patrol Agents are federal agents and answer to no state/local authorities except their own. Despite misconceptions on their authority and the civil rights issues of road blocks, Border Patrol agents are authorized to detain and make arrests based on the following -

    a. Inability to establish identity
    b. Inability to establish immigration status
    c. Trafficking - Narcotics, Weapons, Tobacco, Alcohol etc. etc.
    d. Detain/arrest felons with federal warrants
    e. Enforce laws related to trade agreements/customs

    As far as what gives the CBP the right to stop/search you,

    Search Authority ( 3Jvd19jbnQ9MiwyJnBfcHJvZHM9MCZwX2NhdHM9MCZwX3B2PSZ wX2N2PSZwX3BhZ2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PUgxQg**)

    "The Congress of the United States has given U.S. Customs and Border Protection broad authority to conduct searches of persons and their baggage, cargo, and means of transportation entering the United States. This authority is contained in Title 19 of the United States Code, Sections 482, 1467, 1496, 1581, and 1582. For further information please visit the Inspections Section on the Customs and Border Protection website. "

    As far as making photocopies (Colored / B&W), pre-June 1st, 2009, the law clearly stated that photocopies of official US documents cannot be used as proof of valid status. If you read through most official US documentation (fine-print), you will see this printed. Aside from being charged from counterfeiting US documents for purposes other than official purposes (application to a US agency), Border patrol will reject such documentation. The only exception after June 1st, 2009 is the following -

    "June 1, 2009: ALL persons*, including U.S. citizens and Canadian citizens over the age of 15, traveling between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda by land or sea (including ferries), will be required to present a valid passport or other document such as passport cards, NEXUS or SENTRI cards, or driver's licenses that meet certain security requirements. Children 15 years of age and younger are exempt from the passport requirement, although they will be required to have copies of their birth certificate. (The copy does not have to be certified, xerox copies are ok, but certified is always better.) Teens between the ages of 16-18 who are part of an adult-supervised school, religious, cultural, or athletic group, are also exempt from the passport requirement if traveling by land or sea."

    You will be detained if the Border Agent decides that there is enough suspicion to do so but it is up to the discretion of the agent. Technically, you are supposed to carry documentation, IN ORIGINAL. Some exceptions are those who have a valid Driver's License from states who have implemented the "REAL-ID" act.

    This is the official FAQ on what you need to carry by the CBP. (PLEASE READ THROUGH IT).

    Documents to carry while traveling (

    And please, DO NOT LIE when being questioned. Getting pulled over by authorities can be a nervous experience but always take a deep breadth before you answer a question. Agents are trained to spot physical signs of an individual concealing the truth. YOU WILL BE DEPORTED if you do so & denied entry for 10 yrs.

    When stopped, hit the emergency blinkers and place your hands on the steering wheel and ask the occupants to not make any sudden moves. If you are carrying documentation, let the agent know the same and tell the agent where it is located and seek his approval before reaching out to get the documentation.

    What to do if you wish to file a complaint because a CBP officer was unprofessional/rude?

    File a Complaint ( 3Jvd19jbnQ9NCw0JnBfcHJvZHM9MCZwX2NhdHM9MCZwX3B2PSZ wX2N2PSZwX3BhZ2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PXJ1ZGU*)

    For more unofficial information on road blocks, the "Roadblock Registry" is an independent website that documents the politics of "Road blocks" in the US.

    Most of all, please drive safe and don't drink & drive near the border.

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  • acecupid
    05-26 04:49 PM
    While on the way back from White Mountains in NH, our car was stopped on I-93 south by the US border patrol. They were stopping every single vehicle to question. They had over a dozen Govt vehicles with 40-50 people in uniform. My buddy was driving.
    Officer : Sir what is your status in the US ?
    Buddy: I am on L1 visa
    I: H1B
    buddy's wife: L2
    my wife: H4
    officer: is anyone US citizen ?
    I: my son is (he was sitting in the car seat)

    Officer: (to my buddy) Is your visa still valid ?
    Buddy: yes
    officer: do you have documents to prove your status?
    buddy: i have some papers in my bag which in the the trunk
    officer: can you show me?
    (buddy got out showed him tax papers and answered some questions)
    officer: did they not tell you you are supposed to carry your papers while travelling?
    buddy: I came over a year ago so i don't remember
    officer: I am letting you go, but i could have fined you $2000; $500 for each pasenger with no papers.

    I was so pissed off by this experience, clearly they are doing this to harrase immigrants. theoratically even if I am going for a walk i am supposed to carry immigration papers because a border patrol officer, in theory, could asks me for my papers ?

    I have decided that if anyone ask me such a stupid question again inside the US and i am just going to remain silent even if that means they detain me for some time.

    I think they let you off easy... sometimes they hassle immigrants a lot. I had one such experience close to the canadian border in northern minnesota. My friends and myself were asked to step out of the car at gun point and the whole car was searched inside out like a bomb squad. They detained us for 3 hrs since some of our papers were back in the hotel and couple of my friends had left their papers back home in wisconsin. They escorted us to the hotel, me driving the car and my friends locked up in the border security vehicle behind me. They checked my passport at the hotel and let my friends off with a strict warning.


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  • grinch
    03-06 11:28 PM
    Here's a WIP of my almost completed entry :

    *gonna post in drawing and design

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  • xyzgc
    01-16 05:55 PM
    you buy a house when you don't have your green card, reduced to a single income with a new born, what else is gonna happen? Go buy BMW 3 series if you don't have one. Go invest thousands of dollars in stocks and then cry how your stock portfolio got wiped out (stocks will recover but by that time you'll have sleep disorder). I'm sorry to hear abt your daughter though, its not your fault but everything else is.

    During 2001-3 recession, the time when the valley was hardest hit, one of my friends was forced to go India and wanted to leave his car behind because he came in 2001 and left a year later. People think when they come to the US of A, they fulfilled their life's ambition, not realizing their temporary status and immediately start buying new expensive cars and living it up! In another thread, my recommendation has been to buy a house rather than keep worrying over prices to reach rock bottom, but not unless you are green with a dual income and plans to live long term. How can you pan to live long term without being a resident is something I don't understand..

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  • webm
    03-17 01:14 PM
    Category: EB3 India
    PD: Oct 2001
    140 AD:Sep,2005
    485 RD:06/25/2007

    10-11 11:56 AM

    After responding to the RFE last week, I have been seeing continous LUDs on my 485. They were on 10/8, 10/9 and today on columbus day 10/11. There was also one when they registered my RFE response on 10/6.

    And to add to that I received a FP notice for both spouse and myself but the date isn't until after 3 weeks. Can I get the FP done early? I don't want them to sit on my application for another 3 weeks just because they are waiting for my FP.

    01-17 03:10 PM
    signed up for $20 per month though paypal.

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